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Before Check-in

Charter Flights Regulations:

  • Passengers must enter and exit from the same airport.
  • Passengers must arrive at their destination on the charter flight.
  • Passengers must be in Egypt for touristic purposes and stay for less than 30 days.

Prohibited Items for Carry-On and Checked Baggage

For the safety and security of all passengers, the following items are not permitted in either carry-on or checked baggage:

  • Power banks/batteries
  • Ammunition
  • Blasting caps
  • Detonators and fuses
  • Mines, grenades, and other explosive military stores
  • Fireworks and other pyrotechnics
  • Smoke-generating canisters and cartridges
  • Dynamite, gunpowder, and plastic explosives

Note: Power banks must only be transported in hand luggage, adhering to short-circuit protection requirements.

Prohibited Items for Carry-On Baggage Only

Additionally, certain items are strictly forbidden in your carry-on baggage:

  • Firearms (including toy guns and parts of firearms)
  • Stunning devices (such as tasers)
  • Sharp objects (including knives with blades over 6 cm, large scissors, and martial arts equipment with a sharp point or edge)
  • Workmen's tools (such as drills, saws, and blowtorches)
  • Blunt instruments (like bats and clubs)
  • Explosives (replica devices and any form of explosive materials)

Attention Passengers Flying to Egypt

In line with Egypt's legislation, the import of the following items is prohibited:

  • Paintball equipment
  • Hunting ammunition and drill rounds
  • Ammunition shells (including spent shells)
  • Weapon replicas of any kind
  • Quadcopters/flying drones

Carrying drill rounds or spent shells is considered weapon possession, leading to detention, fines, and deportation. Quadcopters/drones are subject to confiscation by customs, with return upon departure after paying service and storage fees.

Ensure your baggage complies with these regulations to facilitate a hassle-free journey to Egypt with us.